Helen's Story
A Year in The Life of PND
At last labour's over, the baby's arrived
I hold her close, try to comfort her cries
I feel nothing inside, just worn out and tired
I glance at my husband, see tears in his eyes
In my hospital bed, just baby and me
I start to cry and weep uncontrollably
Feeling confused, like I've made a mistake
Losing control, what's happening to me?
Home at last, I thought that would help
But the crying won't stop, don't feel I can cope
Deal with the baby but don't want to be close
Feeling no love, losing all hope
Baby blues should have passed
But I'm feeling the same
Still no love for the baby
I must be to blame
In a state of despair
Go to see the GP
Ask "What's wrong with me?"
She says " it's PND"
Gives me pills to help
Says they'd take a few weeks
The black cloud's still there
The depression peaks
My mind is spinning
I can't seem to sleep
I don't feel I'm coping
Keep wanting to weep
Feel there's no point
In living like this
Want to end it all
Fall into an abyss
And then one day, the cloud lifts
Only slightly at first , but enough,
I can get through one day at a time
Cope with this life without feeling so rough
All at once in a rush, my emotions kick in
Feel love for my daughter , normal - more or less
At last I can see the light at the end
And realise what I'm feeling is happiness.