The Cedar House Support Group Charity receives no funding from the NHS or government and relies solely on fundraising and donations. We hold events throughout the year, from coffee mornings to quiz nights, also our annual AGM's.
Below are a selection of some of our fundraisers.
David's Fundraising Event
“This year I'm taking on the physical, mental and navigational challenge of cycling from East to West Coast! The ride is over 200 miles, starting at sun rise and reaching the coast before the sun sets. The training has been tough, involved many wet and windy rides but it will all be worth it at the finish line!
As Mady has been amazing at holding the fort when I'm out training, I wanted to support an organisation that means a lot to her. Cedar House is for Mum's experiencing post natal depression, running support groups where mothers can get together with others who are experiencing similar feelings. The group was a massive help to Mady after Joel was born, providing a safe and welcoming space which helped her understand what she was going through. The support she received through the group was amazing and I know she felt stronger coming out the other side of it as a result. Cedar House doesn't receive statutory funding so any donations you can make will be hugely appreciated.”
Going Dry for January
As you know The Cedar House Support Group Charity
receives no funding from the NHS or government and relies solely on fundraising and donations. In 2021 weren't able to hold any fundraising events so my husband John and I went dry for January to raise funds for the groups. We would welcome your support to be able to continue to support families who attend our groups.
John & Liz raised a fabulous
A huge well done and thank you to Liz & John and all those who kindly donated.
Our local Waitrose did some fundraising for us in their shop and managed to raise £333.
Here is Liz picking up the Cheque.
Sophie's candle
Sophie's Candle will be on sale at our events.
£15 each, £25 for 2, £30 for 3
We had this candle made in memory of one of our mothers who came through the group.
Get Involved!
We couldn't continue to support hundreds if mothers and fathers experiencing PND without the help of our generous supporters. Whether it is through a one-off gift, a sponsored event or a regular donation - every penny you contribute will go directly to making a difference to a family in crisis. If you would like to support the Cedar House Group Charity in providing support and counselling to parents experiencing post-natal depression, you can support us in any of the following ways:
Giving a donation
To make supporting Cedar House as simple as possible we have set up an online donation option below so you can give in your preferred method just be clicking on the link below:
If you would prefer to donate using a cheque then please do by making the cheque out to
'The Cedar House Support Group'
and then send to:
Liz Wise
The Cedar House Support Group
13 Barnett Row, Guildford GU4 7PH
Taking part in a sponsored event
We are always delighted to support you in participating in a sponsored event, from buying a ticket for our annual fundraising gala, donating a prize or deciding to run the London marathon on our behalf! There are hundreds of event options from holding a fundraising dinner, organising a own clothes day at school to getting in shape to run, walk, cycle or swim your way to raising money for Cedar House. Below is just one example of someone going the extra mile for Cedar House and if you would like to do something yourself or want to find out what we are doing that you can get involved with, please just contact us!