Counselling for postnatal depression provides an outlet for sufferers to talk about their thoughts and feelings with the
help of a professional therapist. Specialised psychological therapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) are used to help guide clients through their problems - enabling them to understand the nature of their postnatal depression. This can help to change their thoughts and behaviours to reach their full potential and learn how to enjoy being a parent. Other counselling approaches can help clients to understand their PND in terms of their relationships or what has happened to them in the past. Above all however, counselling for postnatal depression allows sufferers to feel comfortable enough to open up about their illness without feeling ashamed or judged.
What should I be looking for in a counsellor or psychotherapist?
There are currently no laws in place stipulating what training and qualifications a counsellor must have in order to
treat postnatal depression. However, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have developed a
set of guidelines that provide advice about the recommended treatments, including the following:
If you develop depression while pregnant or after giving birth:
If you have mild or moderate depression you may be offered treatments such as an exercise programme, self-help, short-term psychological treatments or counselling.
If you have mild depression but you have had severe depression in the past, you may be offered an antidepressant if you prefer not to have psychological treatment or it has not helped you.
If you have moderate depression and have had depression before, or you have severe depression, you may be offered a psychological treatment, or an antidepressant if you prefer. If these treatments do not help you on their own, you may be offered both together.
There are a range of approaches for treating postnatal depression, and your GP should be able to provide you with the information you need to make a choice that feels right for you. Medication and counselling are common treatment types, and tend to be offered to individuals depending on the severity of their postnatal depression.
If you wish to seek support privately and not through your GP, then Liz Wise can provide counselling or advice on finding a counsellor.
Liz Wise
Liz Wise has a diploma in humanistic counselling and a wealth of experience and success in counselling mothers with postnatal depression. She is able to offer face to face counselling in Guildford, London and surrounding areas and telephone counselling for mothers not local to her. Her counselling techniques are very sensitive, gentle, and person centred for the mothers needs. As Liz has experienced PND herself she has a great understanding as to how dreadful the condition can be. She is able to normalise feelings, reduce isolation and reassure mothers that they will get
better and give them advice in coping techniques. For those women unable to travel Liz offers telephone counselling as a means of support to their recovery and is also able to visit local mothers in their own homes.
To speak with Liz in a one to one consultation please contact her on 07773 283556 or email,

"Liz has supported me through telephone consultations which have been invaluable to my recovery, I was able to speak to her on a regular basis, she was so reassuring and able to offer me lots of good advice, I would highly recommend speaking to her."
"I have known Liz Wise for over seven years, and during that time have seen her support and help many women suffering from Postnatal Depression with complete commitment and dedication. I met Liz in 2002 when I experienced the illness myself after the birth of my second child, and Liz made the experience much more bearable for me. She was able to put things into perspective when I felt unable, and showed me that I was in fact improving when I was unable to see it. She was kind and caring and very supportive- and a great comfort at a time when I felt very isolated and alone. She is extremely knowledgeable about the condition, which was in itself reassuring, as she was able to convince me that however bad things seemed, they would in fact get better. Which of course they did! I can thoroughly recommend Liz to any new mother experiencing this unpleasant illness."
"I organised a series of telephone conversations with Liz at a time where I was feeling quite overwhelmed by everything going on in my life. I had been through a very emotional period and it was all starting to catch up with me. Chatting to Liz meant that I didn't have to burden my partner with my thoughts and it allowed me to form an action plan. We worked through one problem each week and I came away every time feeling far calmer and better armed to deal with my situation. I would really recommend Liz to people in a similar situation."
"I first met Liz when I was invited to participate in a support group for women for postnatal depression. As she facilitated
this weekly group, I quickly saw the wealth of experience she has on the subject of PND. Once I began to see Liz for 1:1 counselling
I began recover much more quickly as the sessions with her allowed me the open and confidential environment which I needed to
make progress. She has always been empathetic, non-judgemental, and very client focused in the work she has done with me. Most
importantly, she has given me the confidence to believe that any woman can and will recover from this illness. I would not hesitate to
recommend a conversation with Liz to anyone who feels they are struggling to cope after the birth of a baby as the support she has
given to me has proved invaluable."